What is Médiacours?


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Technical details

Student-Screen-Monitor (language laboratory software)

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Médiacours is user-friendly software designed for teachers by teachers. Médiacours simplifies and enhances the use of web pages and multimedia documents for teaching purposes. When the documents are played or displayed, students see and /or hear the teacher's oral and / or written commentaries, instructions and questions. Students' work is saved as audio files (mp3) and text files (equivalent rtf) in a 'year / class / student / exercise' folder accessible to both student and teacher. Work can be corrected and marked/graded. Results can be saved and printed. Using Médiacours a teacher can communicate one to one with up to 40 students simultaneously!

Further details

Audio files, video files, pictures and web pages can be used.

Médiacours is compatible with all the main media file types.

Suitable for teaching all subjects.

Ideal for language teaching using authentic material.

Ideal for students with reading and writing difficulties.

Simple, easy to use interfaces. No complicated menus. Help texts available on all interfaces.

Online help videos are available showing all the main user procedures.

Exercises can be created and modified and saved as projects until they are ready to use.


Médiacours exercises are extremely flexible and can be adapted to suit all student profiles:

All aspects of the exercise are controlled by the teacher.

Students can work in limited or unlimited time.

The teacher can intervene while the media file is playing either orally or by displaying a written message. Oral and written interventions may be made simultaneously. The audio or video media file may be paused if and when the teacher chooses.

Picture files are used in a slide show presentation. Web pages may be used in a similar way. Pictures and web pages may be included in the same exercise.

Exercises maybe exchanged between schools via internet.

Technical Details

Médiacours was built using the following (free) technology: html, css, javascript, jquery, php, xml, mySql.

It has been developed for two browsers: Google Chrome® and Mozilla Firefox®. It may function in other browsers but this is not guaranteed.



Student-Screen-Monitor is language laboratory software that can be used with or without Médiacours. Language laboratories are notoriously expensive. Around €50,000 for 24 students! Before personal computers became widely available, the expense was no doubt justified by the state of the art, analogue tape recorders used. Nowadays an average pc can achieve the same results. All you need is a software program to make use of the computer’s potential and headsets for your students. Since the advent of online chat, the price of these has tumbled. €15 will purchase a headset with good quality playback and recording capabilities and you can pay less if you choose. The program allows you to monitor all of your students' desks and chat with each student one to one. So, if you want a language laboratory or need another one, try Student-Screen-Monitor.

This program is freeware

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Médiacours Teacher, Médiacours Student,

Student-Screen-Monitor Teacher, Student-Screen-Monitor Student,

Download Student-Screen-Monitor

Contact: mediacours@gmail.com